July 13 - 20 2024

Copenhagen Clarinet Choir - Lillejazz (DK/IT/DE/IE) - Photo: Malthe Ivarsson

Photo: Malthe Ivarsson

Copenhagen Clarinet Choir - Lillejazz (DK/IT/DE/IE)


Anders Banke (cl) Francesco Bigoni (cl) Maria Dybbroe (cl) Jonas Engel (cl) Carolyn Goodwin (cl) Henriette Groth (cl)

Experimental Clarinet Ensemble with Improvisation and Open Scores

Copenhagen Clarinet Choir is a new experimental ensemble that creates multi-colored sonic plateaus through improvisation and open scores. The sextet approaches their music with equality in mind: through interdependence, they discover an overall form that is as harmonious as a living organism. The ensemble consists of Anders Banke (DK), Francesco Bigoni (IT), Maria Dybbroe (DK), Jonas Engel (DE), Carolyn Goodwin (IE), and Henriette Groth (DK). Their debut album Organism was released on the award-winning År & Dag label in September 2022.

This concert is part of the LilleJazz concert series at the jazz festival. LilleJazz is a concert association that presents experimental jazz for adults and their children - or for children and their adults. During the concerts, there will be room and space for both children and adults to experience live music that helps push the boundaries of jazz. While the live performance will be the main focus, drawings, puzzles, plus-pluses, and other quiet toys will be available in the room, and guests can come and go as they please.

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Aarhus Jazz festival
Cover charge 80 DKK
Børn gratis, voksne 80 kr - for hvert medbragt barn gives 20 kr. i rabat.

Aarhus Jazz Festival

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3

DK-8000 Aarhus C