July 13 - 20 2024
July 13 - 20 2024
Photo: Aarhus Jazz Festival
Morgenstund Har Guld i Mund (DK)
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A Concert by the Forest and Beach in Risskov
Morgenstund Har Guld I Mund is an informal concert setting with homemade buns, good coffee, improvisational music, and sonic explorations - all framed by the special atmosphere, light, sensuality, and openness of the morning.
The concerts take place under the open sky by the forest and beach in Riisskov. More information about the location and line-up for the concerts will follow on Facebook leading up to the shows.
Admission is free and everyone is welcome to the concerts but we encourage you to make an optional donation to the performing musicians.
Morgenstund Har Guld I Mund
Cover charge FREE
Cover charge FREE