July 13 - 20 2024
Taupe – 12 Points (12) ((UK)) - Photo:


Taupe – 12 Points (12) ((UK))


Jamie Stockbridge (a-sax), Mike Parr-Burman (g), Adam Stapleford (drm)
“Intense and full of studied and carefully controlled chaos.” – Seth Tinsley, Narc Magazine. North East England has steadily developed a reputation of producing visceral, sonically compelling bands that feature razor-sharp polyrhythmic play, exploratory improv and raw, high energy live performances that can turn on a dime. The current torchbearers are Newcastle’s Taupe, an exhilarating trio who draw collectively on free jazz, math metal and hip-hop grooves to post-bop, skronk and whatever takes their fancy, to deliver invigorating and explosive music that is as exciting as it is uncompromising. As with other bands in this sub-set of sonic explorers, there are plenty of sharp turns, sudden stops and labyrinthine, complex rhythms that thrive on the blurring of all boundaries. Taupe’s uninhibited yet frenetically tight and inventive musicality sends a clear statement of intent. We say bring it on!

More about www.taupetaupetaupe.com

Aarhus Jazz Festival
28 60 47 91
IMC, JazzDanmark, Atlas, Jazzselskabet Århus, Sun Ship, Phonognom
Cover charge 100/80 DKK
Normal pris 100 kr. / Rabatpris 80 kr. (2 koncerter). Normal pris 180 kr. / Rabatpris 140 kr. for 1 dag (4 koncerter). Normal pris 490 kr. / Rabatpris 350 kr. for partoutbillet til 12 Points (12 koncerter over 3 dage). Rabatprisen gælder unge under 25 år, studerende og medlemmer af Jazzselskabet Aarhus, Sun Ship og Phonognom. NB! Hvis du ønsker at købe dag- eller partoutbillet – gå til menupunkt BILLETSALG her på www.jazzfest.dk. Billetsalg ved døren fra kl. 15.00. Koncert med forsalg:

Aarhus Jazz Festival

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3

DK-8000 Aarhus C