July 13 - 20 2024
En hyldest til Leif Falk ((DK)) - Photo:


En hyldest til Leif Falk ((DK))


Mek Pek (trp, voc), Emil Falk and Per Møller (g, voc), Kristian Lassen (key, p), Erik Westberg (b, voc), Kim Neergaard (trb, perc), Ed Jones (drm, voc)
Friends and family salute an Aarhus music legend. For 60 years, Leif Falk has been a musician, a music teacher, and has written a tonne of songs. Songs that are provoking, beautiful, and funny, as well as children's songs and dances. Leif Falk has been a big part of the Aarhus music scene since the 60s. He played in Blue Sun, Gangs, and Splash, and gave a lot of musicians a good start when he taught music at Aarhus Friskole, and later at the Royal Academy of Music Aarhus / Aalborg. Today, Leif Falk is suffering from Parkinson's disease but the music keeps him going. A selection of his favourite musicians, friends and family members will host the two-hour concert, which exclusively features lyrics and music by Leif Falk. The musical core team. Mek Pek, Leif's son on vocal and trumpet. Emil Falk, Leif's grandson on guitar and vocal, and who usually performs with Black Dylan, Kesi and Thomas Helmig. Per Møller on guitar and vocal, a good friend and guitar hero who has played with Anne Linnet, Thomas Helmig, LIZA, and others. Ed Jones on drums and vocal, an old friend and bandmate from Tears and Ed Jones Band. Erik Westberg on bass and trumpet, student, friend, and colleague from Rockforbundet, BliGlad, and GogoBusters. Kim Neergaard on trombone and percussion, student and friend known from Kim Larsen, Mek Pek Party band, and others. Kristian Lassen, keyboards and piano, student and friend known from Venter på Far, Mek Pek, and Michael Learns to Rock. Biography Leif Falk (b. 1940). Musician, composer, songwriter, and teacher. Graduated as a teacher in 1963 from Aarhus Seminarium. Worked as a music teacher at Aarhus Friskole in 1965 after Jytte Rahbek Schmidt. Attended extensive courses by Bernhard Christensen and Jytte Rahbek Schmidt. Tutor and band musician in different contexts from 1955 and onwards, and co-founder of the children's music club Kucheza in Aarhus. Part of the initiative to form the 'Center for Rhythmic Music and Movement' in Silkeborg, now part of the Royal Academy of Music Aarhus. Teacher at the 'Center for Rhythmic Music and Movement' from the beginning in 1987 to 2002. Studied abroad in Paris, London, Eastern Europe, Turkey, Tunis, Trinidad, and Brazil. Leif Falk's musical work has been described in the bookIndianerdansen by Ulla Viskum. Aarhus Friskole's history was chronicled in the book Bogen om Århus Friskole by Bodil Nygaard and Karen Klitgaard Povlsen. Leif Falk has released the CDs YMER og mange andre,Fræser Afsted, and SLASK. A CD with his recordings from the past 8-10 years will be relased in spring 2017.

Read more about En hyldest til Leif Falk

Read more about En hyldest til Leif Falk

Aarhus Jazz Festival
28 60 47 91
Cover charge 100/70 DKK
Normal pris 100 kr. / Rabatpris 70 kr. for studerende og unge under 25 år. Billetsalg ved døren fra 19.00. Begrænset antal siddepladser. Koncert med forsalg:

Aarhus Jazz Festival

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3

DK-8000 Aarhus C