July 13 - 20 2024
Duen ((DK)) - Photo:


Duen ((DK))


Jonas Ryan (g), Sara Mouritzen (drm)
Intimacy and immediacy in playful improvisation. Rooted in the undergrounds of Aarhus and Copenhagen, the duo bridges edgy avant-garde, fluid settings, and clear simplicity. Jonas Ryan on guitar and Sara Mouritzen on drums focus on intimacy and immediacy in playful improvisation. Live, they will break through the unapproachable side of improvised music be leading listeners into a new and different universe. --- DMF's Youth Committee Aarhus host 'Soundfall on Godsbanen. Experience an afternoon with four concerts, Friday 21 July, from 02.30 - 08.00 pm. Innovation, intensity, beauty and curiosity take centre stage. A diverse program that tries to capture the musical tendencies that point to future, while featuring multiple generations of musicians, and tries to build a bridge between the Aarhus and Copenhagen music scenes. Program 02.30 pm: Cactus. 04.00 pm: Duoen (Jonas Ryan and Sara Mouritzen). 05.30 pm: Christian Balvig 6-tet. 07.00 pm: Rasmus Oppenhagen Krogh Kvartet (feat. Kasper Tranberg, AC and Laurits Hyllested).
DMF's Ungeudvalg Aarhus
50 94 84 05
DMFs Ungeudvalg Aarhus
Cover charge 50 DKK
Entré 50 kr., 100 kr. for hele dagen (4 koncerter).

Aarhus Jazz Festival

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3

DK-8000 Aarhus C