July 13 - 20 2024
Maluba Orchestra (DK) - Photo: Jazzselskabet Aarhus

Photo: Jazzselskabet Aarhus

Maluba Orchestra (DK)


Fredrik Lundin and Christina von Bülow (sax, fl), Pernille Bévort and Jesper Løvdal (sax, fl, cl), Tomasz Dąbrowski and Maj Berit Guassora (trp, flh), Mia Engsager (trb), Klaus Löhrer (b-trb, tuba), Kasper Bai (g, cond), Makiko Hirabayashi (p, keys), Klavs Hovman (b), Bjørn Heebøl (drm), Marilyn Mazur (perc, cond)

Festive and diverse jazz

Marilyn Mazur, Fredrik Lundin, and Kasper Bai share a passion for writing music for large ensembles. With Maluba Orchestra, they have gathered a team of the strongest personal voices on the Danish jazz scene. The music of the three composers mixes elements from all sorts of styles and ranges from lyrical and sacred to wild and captivating.

The band is wide-ranging, both in terms of age, gender, background, and musical style. Together, the orchestra creates a bubbly and diverse musical output that alternates between tight ensemble playing and free parts.

The Maluba Orchestra won a Grammy for best jazz release of the year in 2020. They debuted at Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2017, where Politiken's reviewer gave the concert five hearts and called it an engaging listening experience, which is simply one of the best I have ever heard.

The concert is organized in collaboration with Komponistsammenslutningen ToneArt and Aarhus Jazz Orchestra.
Maluba Orchestra is supported by Statens Kunstfond, Dansk Kapelmesterforening, Dansk Solistforbund and Dansk Musikerforbund.


More about https://malubaorchestra.com

Jazzselskabet Aarhus

Aarhus Jazz Orchestra
Cover charge 160 DKK
Få 30 kr. i rabat som medlem af Jazzselskabet Aarhus: 1. klik på almindelig billet. 2. Indtast din medlemskode ved kassen/check out.
65 kr. for unge under 25 år. Begrænset antal billetter. Køb billet sammen med dem, du skal høre koncerten med, da der ellers automatisk placeres en tom stol mellem jer pga. Covid-19-retningslinjer.

Aarhus Jazz Festival

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3

DK-8000 Aarhus C