July 13 - 20 2024

Jens Klüver & Finn Odderskov (DK) - Photo: Apollon

Photo: Apollon

Jens Klüver & Finn Odderskov (DK)


Jens Klüver (sax), Finn Odderskov (sax)

Two Seasoned Saxophonists Take the Lead

Jens Klüver, who previously led Klüver's Big Band for more than 35 years, has since devoted himself to a career as a jazz musician in several constellations, including duos, trios, and quartets. He has also distinguished himself as a prominent soloist and conductor for large big bands, helping to shape and influence the Aarhus jazz scene for decades.

Finn Odderskov has been indispensable on the Aarhus' jazz scene since the 1960s. His musical contributions have ranged from solo performances to permanent memberships in several of the city's most significant ensembles, including Arosia, Bourbon Street, Peder Pedersen's Big Band, and, Klüvers Big Band. Over the years, he has demonstrated an impressive ability to immerse himself in different musical expressions, and his presence on stage has helped define Aarhus' jazz scene as a diverse and dynamic melting pot of talent and creativity.


Cover charge FREE

Aarhus Jazz Festival

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3

DK-8000 Aarhus C