July 13 - 20 2024
Jazz og fællesspisning ((DK) ) - Photo:


Jazz og fællesspisning ((DK) )


MasVino Vinbodega (mad og hygge)

Grill, rum, summer and community

Masvino Vinbodega has teamed up with Aarhus Jazz Orchestra and has put together a fantastic menu for jazz enthusiasts in connection with Ridehuset Swinger's 30th anniversary 17-20 July 2019, during Aarhus Jazz Festival.

This year's theme for the evening concerts at Ridehouse will be Cuban Big Band Nights – which rhymes with grill, rum, summer and community.

Masvino serves a delicious menu every day in the tent at Officerspladsen, which can be enjoyed alongside the other curious jazz audience and food lovers.

The concept is quite simple: Masvino grills whole piglets, which are expected to be ready for serving at 6.15 pm. You book in advance by clicking Køb billet in the green box above and then on Find billetter in the orange field on the following page. Please book well in advance as there are limited seats available.

When you book a seat in the food tent, you also reserve a seat for the evening concert Cuban Big Band Nights, which takes place at Ridehuset at. 8 pm. Then you can peacefully enjoy both the tasty menu and the cozy atmosphere in the tent, without being worried about securing a seat for the concert.

Roasted piglet • Potato salad with smoked chilli, radishes, onions and lots of herbs • Warm summer cabbage with yoghurt, coriander, seeds and hibiscus • Bean salad with fresh chilli, mint & good olive oil • Chimichurri and BBQ

Price: DKK 145 incl. a welcome drink. DKK 70 for children under 10 years.

Additional items on sale: Dessert: Fresh strawberries, Chantilly & mint sugar - DKK 50.

Ridehuset Swinger includes daily concerts from 2 pm, all free of charge. Feel free to arrive early and enjoy the summer, the crispy jazz notes and the scent of barbecue with a glass of cool wine from Masvino, or lose yourself in our rum and cigar bar.

Read more about the program for Ridehuset Swinger 2019 - Cuban Big Band Nights at www.aarhusjazzorchestra.dk.

Read more about Jazz og fællesspisning

Aarhus Jazz Orchestra
30 24 06 62
Masvino Vinbodega
Cover charge 145 DKK
Billetten gælder hovedret med velkomstdrink samt plads til aftenens koncert i Ridehuset med Aarhus Jazz Orchestra.
Der kan tilkøbes dessert på dagen for 50 kr.

Aarhus Jazz Festival

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3

DK-8000 Aarhus C