July 13 - 20 2024
KING of BURLESQUE - Jakob Elvstrøm ((DK)) - Photo:


KING of BURLESQUE - Jakob Elvstrøm ((DK))


Jakob Elvstrøm (a-sax, Roland CR-8000 rytmeboks 1980), Niels Ulbrandt (Hammond B-200)

A journey of sound with a corny twist and a jazzy twinkle in the eye

Burlesque is jazzy lounge music from a bygone era, from the colorful US nightclubs of the 1960s and 70s, where everyone gathered around the cocktail table, smoking cigarettes, drinking drinks, listening to LPs and later on color TV.

KING of BURLESQUE is Jakob Elvstrøm on alto sax in the company of the Hammond-playing Niels Ulbrandt.

Together, they will guide the audience through a journey of sound with a corny twist and a jazzy twinkle in their eye.

Get a Gin and Tonic (or two), sit back, and enjoy the music from before the world went sideways.

The repertoire is carefully selected and features classic Burlesque tunes such as The Stripper, Night Train, and Harlem Nocturne, the music from TV as En By i Provinsen, The Persuaders!, M.A.S.H. and movies like Godfather and The Pink Panther.

In addition, there is a smaller section of mournful Russian jazz from the 1960s, tunes such as Moscow Nights, Dark Eyes, and classic Russian folk songs such as Kalinka and Volga Boatmen.

Finally, Jakob Elvstrøm – KING of BURLESQUE – contributes with his own funky compositions.

Jakob Elvstrøm plays saxophone and was educated at The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus / Aalborg. He has released five CDs and toured all over the country his acid jazz band Jakob Elvstrøm Quartet in the 1990s. Most recently, he has played with Hammond organist Kjeld Lauritsen, guitarist Uffe Steen, the David Bowie musical Lazarus at Aarhus Theater in the fall of last year.

ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum
6190 4882 / 6190 4900
Cover charge 75 DKK
De 75 kr. er for entrébillet til museet.
Selve koncerten er gratis, når entréen er betalt.
Koncerten afholdes på tagterrassen ved godt vejr.
Der kan købes drikkevarer i baren på taget samt spises middag i Orangeriet ved indgangen.
Følg med for mere information på aros.dk samt Facebook.

Aarhus Jazz Festival

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3

DK-8000 Aarhus C