July 13 - 20 2024
Randers Bigband (DK) - Photo: Randers Bigband

Photo: Randers Bigband

Randers Bigband (DK)


Nikolai Bøgelund (cond), Finn Odderskov (sax), Jacob Arendt Rasmussen and Jakob Thykjær (a-sax), Christian Rudbeck and Svend Midtgaard (t-sax), Michael Olsen (bar-sax), Jeppe Barkmann, Erik W. Christensen, Erik Larsen and Mette Rasmussen (trp), Thomas Skovlund Hansen, Carsten Hansen, Jakob Waade and Henrik Nüchel (trb), Hjalte Hviid (p), Mads Jensen (g), Jesper Carlsen (b), Tobias Granum (drm)

An afternoon with Count Basie

Rander Bigband attends Ridehuset Swings with the highest caliber of swing as they host an afternoon of Count Basie. Led by Finn Odderskov, the band will perform the legendary album The Atomic Mr. Baise and complete with the concert with a select favorites from Basie's backlist.

Randers Bigband was formed in 1980 by Palle Hundborg. Since then, the big band has undergone tremendous musical developments under the musical direction of Ole Koch Sørensen, Jesper Riis, Nikolai Bøgelund, and Peter Brem. Since 2021, trombonist and conductor Nikolaj Bøgelund is back at the helm of the big band.

Randers Bigband works with multiple genres and soloists. Today, they are counted among the nation's best-performing big bands, particularly in traditional swing music.

Over the years, Randers Bigband has performed at home and abroad, including at festivals in Sweden, Finland, United States, and Brazil. They have also held workshops and played at lunch jazz events, birthdays, and company parties.

Randers Bigband is supported by Randers Municipality's Culture and Leisure Committee.


Koncerten kan opleves til Ridehuset Swinger, der igen i år danner rammerne for store musikalske oplevelser og god stemning. Ridehuset Swinger arrangeres af Aarhus Jazz Orchestra. 

More about http://www.randersbigband.dk

Aarhus Jazz Orchestra
30 24 06 62
Cover charge 50 DKK
Børn under 12 år 25 kr. Billetprisen er inkl. en øl, vand eller et glas vin, som du henter i baren på Officerspladsen, inden du går ind i Ridehuset, samt en nummeret plads til koncerten. Begrænset antal billetter. Køb billet sammen med dem, du skal høre koncerten med, da der ellers automatisk placeres en tom stol mellem jer pga. Covid-19-retningslinjer.

Aarhus Jazz Festival

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3

DK-8000 Aarhus C