July 13 - 20 2024
Aarhus Jazz Orchestra - Celebrating Quincy Jones (DK/DE) - Photo: Aarhus Jazz Orchestra

Photo: Aarhus Jazz Orchestra

Aarhus Jazz Orchestra - Celebrating Quincy Jones (DK/DE)


Nikolai Bøgelund (cond), Kati Brien, Johan Toftegaard Knudsen, Michael Bladt, Cesar Joaniquet and Michael Olsen (sax), Stefan Ringive (trb) Tobias Stavngaard, Niels Nørgaard and Henrik Resen (trb), Lars Vissing , Jan Lynggard Sørensen, Lars Søberg and Jakob Sørensen (trp), Mads Bærentzen (p), Frederik Sakham (b), John Riddell (drm)

Ridehuset Swings - and celebrates Quincy Jones


For the 31st time, Aarhus Jazz Orchestra hosts Ridehuset Swinger, where community, good atmosphere, and great musical experiences are at the center.

This year, Aarhus Jazz Orchestra celebrates the legend of Quincy Jones - one of the most important composers and arranger in music history. He has produced hundreds of albums with a wide range of international stars - from Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra, and Count Basie to Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, and Donna Summer. He has made music for over 50 films, won more awards than anyone else, including 28 Grammys, and he has - not least - made some of the best big band music in jazz history.

Under the skillful direction of conductor Nikolai Bøgelund, Aarhus Jazz Orchestra will dive into Quincy Jones's impressive portfolio and cover Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie, Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, and much more.

Sit back in the Ridehuset's fantastic surroundings, and prepare for everything from swinging Basie to heady car chases - and not least an orchestra in peak condition.

When there is a break in the music at Ridehuset, you can enjoy a cold beer and delicious food from Spiselauget, which this year sets up food stalls on Officerspladsen and ensures a good atmosphere between shows.

Read more about Aarhus Jazz Orchestra - Celebrating Quincy Jones

Aarhus Jazz Orchestra
30 24 06 62
Cover charge 50 DKK
Børn under 12 år 25 kr. Billetprisen er inkl. en øl, vand eller et glas vin, som du henter i baren på Officerspladsen, inden du går ind i Ridehuset, samt en nummeret plads til koncerten. Begrænset antal billetter. Køb billet sammen med dem, du skal høre koncerten med, da der ellers automatisk placeres en tom stol mellem jer pga. Covid-19-retningslinjer.

Aarhus Jazz Festival

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3

DK-8000 Aarhus C