July 13 - 20 2024
Jazz Me Up! - Jazz Guitar (Intensivt kursus) (DK) - Photo: FOF

Photo: FOF

Jazz Me Up! - Jazz Guitar (Intensivt kursus) (DK)


Sune Pors Andersen (g)

An Intensive Course in Jazz Guitar over Two Mornings

Do your fingers tingle when you're out and about listening to concerts at Aarhus Jazz Festival? If so, here's your chance to give it a go on the guitar and play lots of jazz for two mornings during the festival.

Having some experience with playing the guitar is an advantage, but you can easily be a beginner in the jazz genre. 

Limit of seven participants.

You must bring your own guitar.
The course runs over two mornings: Tuesday, July 11 and Wednesday, July 12. 


The course is part of Jazz Me Up!, which is a series of courses and events at FOF Aarhus in week 28.


FOF Aarhus
Cover charge 290 DKK
Rabatpris for studerende og pensionister mfl.: 265 kr.

Aarhus Jazz Festival

Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3

DK-8000 Aarhus C